Track Access – Latest Developments

 With the track having been closed for several months, the club have been advised by the council that they are currently not in a position to open the facility to the general public at the present time and don’t anticipate this to change in the coming weeks.

After ongoing discussions, the club has approval from the council for the club to manage limited sessions for members only on 3 late afternoon/evenings a week starting on Tuesday 8th September.

Phase 1 – reopening:

These sessions are restricted to members only and are limited to 12 athletes per session and their coach. The centre will not be providing any equipment.

Coaches have been contacted and will have designated slots for their athletes. These could change week by week. Liase with your coaches please.

All athletes/coaches and parents MUST log onto where you MUST declare they are Covid free. The site goes live from noon on Monday 7th Sept.

This MUST be done between the day before training and up to 4pm on training day.

You will not be able to access training sessions more than a day ahead.

Failure to complete the declaration and athletes not booking a slot then NO ACCESS will be given. It is a requirement for test and trace.

 The indoor centre remains closed.

The clubhouse will not be open for general use – toilets can be used, but users must sanitise before and after. 

The site will be Covid compliant and the Covid officer in charge will be Arwel Williams.

All athletes and coaches are expected to follow social distancing guidelines whilst within the stadium.

Entry will be by the gate by the 100m start where a sanitisation station will be in place

Only those athletes booked in via the app will be allowed access.

Sessions will be 45 mins and will start on the hour. Athletes are recommended to warm up and warm down outside of the stadium to maximise training time.

Payment – There will be a charge of £2 as normal. We hope to have contactless in the near future, but in the meantime EXACT money can be placed in a receptacle or in an envelope with your name on it. NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN.

  If parents wish to attend, especially with U18’s, they must also in advance – 

The Development Group

As we have limited slots and a large membership, we are unable to start the development group immediately, this will hopefully form part of phase 2.


As many know, club membership runs from January to December each year. Although the track has not been available since March, nearly all running coaches have continued to coach from late spring.

Many athletes have already paid the club members and the club have also paid affiliation monies to English Athletics


For those on contracts for training payments – please bring your card with you.

 If any athletes has any queries over this arrangement please contact your coach, who should be a able to answer any questions.

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